20 December 2004

First Draft Done, 51,777 total words.

Bear in mind this is a first draft. I still have one Tracker, Tracker2, unnamed. And, my decision to turn Tracker3 into a woman, and back-propagate this concept has not been fully realized. She transmogrifies somewhere along the way.

And there are a lot of typos of the variety "their" instead of "there" and vice versa. Or "th" instead of "the". Or "the" instead of "then". And cases where the same descriptive word gets repeated two or three sentences in a row, which I've always found annoying. Or something is described, then re-described within the same paragraph.

Other than that, it's not horrible.

I have printed out a copy in landscape format, two columns, type size 10.5. This makes it look almost like a book when you read it, the size of a somewhat oversized paperback. Printed that way, with full page breaks between chapters, it is 144 pages.

Now I shall set it aside until mid January. Then I will read it carefully, red pen in hand, and make notes about things that were plot developments that need some tweaking, or that maybe I had completely forgot. Look at tense changes, etc. Make sure all the correctly spelled words are the correct words. This should take January and February to do. Then, I plan to partake in NaNoEdMo in March. National Novel Editing Month.

And then, I shall have my personal contest to see how many rejection slips I can garner.


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